Case Study: Healthcare Businesswomen's Association Signature Event

We love collaborating with other engaging speakers and had the opportunity to work with ImprovEdge to deliver an interactive session at the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) Signature Event in October. The topic: Navigate Unconscious Bias and Build Authentic Leadership.

4 Reasons Female Mentorship is Important

It is rare to hear anyone dispute the benefits of having a mentor in the workplace. Mentors help guide you along the path of your career and advocate for you when you need them. Having a mentor can be the difference between getting ahead in your career and staying stagnant. However, of people being mentored, very few are being mentored by women. It’s important for women to act as mentors, not only to lift up future leaders but to also improve their own leadership skills.

Unconscious Bias and Its Effect on Business Decisions: Spotlight on Starbucks

When Starbucks began their run to success in the early 1990s, it was clear the brand wasn’t simply about coffee and over the last year, we have seen many headlines highlighting their hits and misses in an effort to shift their culture. Such indications include their announcement of equal pay as well as their all-staff diversity and inclusion training. If Starbucks has taught us anything in the past year, it is that bringing awareness to unconscious bias and how it affects businesses is imperative.

Case Study: WE Lead Class 13

This year, for the second year in a row, we had the honor of facilitating the two-day overnight retreat for the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Commerce WE Lead Program. WE Lead is a 10-month executive leadership development experience for high-potential, goal oriented women who are actively preparing for the next level of their career. The 10-month program begins with a kickoff reception at the Chamber, where the 56 women meet for the first time. The next time they come together is with us: for a two-day immersive experience for their retreat.

Making the Most of Your Sorority Experience

Above all else, the best part of joining a sorority is being surrounded by women who are both very similar and very different from you. You’ll make friends from different states, majors, and backgrounds and learn to see the beauty in all passions, interests, and personalities.

Case Study: Ingage Partners + Thrive Impact Sourcing Uncovering Unconscious Bias Workshop

We loved working with local companies and B-Corps Ingage Partners and Thrive Impact Sourcing to deliver an Uncovering Unconscious Bias workshop to employees of both sister companies. Together we set the foundation of understanding our biases and why it is important to grow our awareness of them. With small groups, participants worked through a variety of scenarios to identify "bias interrupters" they might use in common workplace situations—especially those related to hiring and performance reviews.

Case Study: Rackspace POWER Workshop: Career Planning

Gild Collective traveled to San Antonio, Texas to deliver a Career Planning workshop for POWER—the Professional Organization of Women Empowered at Rackspace. POWER was bringing a subset of its 700 members together for the organization’s Annual Luncheon and invited Gild Collective to share our personal strategy map planning with their audience.

Mind the Gap: A Closer Look at Women in Accounting

Similar to the statistics in the legal profession, women have made up 50% of the accounting talent pool for over 20 years, but that representation doesn’t translate to the partner level. Women only represent 21% of partners at firms with 100+ CPAs. At smaller firms, representation increases to 42%, signaling that some smaller firms have prioritized key strategies for recruiting and developing critical talent. How can more firms follow their lead to meet the demands of the talent gap in the coming years?

Creating a Healthy Balance While Working From Home

Through clever scheduling, a few ground rules and some hard core flexible thinking, I have figured out how to share my workspace with the (not-so)-little ones. When you exclusively work from home, physical boundaries between work and personal life can feel virtually nonexistent. Even the most organized can still find difficulty successfully managing a career and a household in the same space.

The following are a few key strategies I implement throughout the day to be successful, bring my whole self to work, and be present in my life. Over the years these have changed a bit, but the idea of creating a healthy balance for me to feel successful remains the same.

How Women at Nike Changed Everything, and What It Should Mean to Your Organization

Women at Nike were fed up with sexual harassment and gender discrimination. They decided to do something about it with data. That data changed the narrative of the company forever. Here is what we learned, and what you should learn, too.

5 Shows to Watch This Summer with Strong Female Leads

If you're going to have a marathon, then why not choose a show with a strong female lead at its center?  Thankfully, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon all have plenty of shows that tell the stories of dynamic, diverse women who are strong in a myriad of ways.

From Bar Exam to Partner: A Closer Look at Women in Law

According to the NAWL 2017 Annual Report Survey, “for over a decade, approximately 50 percent of law students nationwide have been women, law firms have recruited women entry-level associates in proportion to their representation among law school graduates.” However, as in many male-dominated industries, we do not see the same proportion of women represented as equity partners in those same law firms.

Ask These Questions In Your Next Interview To Find The Right Fit For You

Whether you’re interviewing for an internship or an executive-level management position, asking questions is something you should do in every interview. However, thinking up questions when you’re in the hot seat can be a challenge, which is why there is often a long, lingering pause as an answer to the dreaded “got any questions for us?” Be prepared the next time with a handful of these questions in your arsenal.