Case Study: Kao NOW

Our January workshop with Kao NOW, the women’s initiative at Kao, was a long-time coming as we had been planning with the initiative’s leaders for over a year to make the event a success.

The topic selected by the group was Communicating Confidence for Achievement, which was paired with the creation of vision boards to kick off the new year. Before participants started on their boards, we:

  • Identified ways that a lack of confidence can present itself and how it impacts individual achievement of goals

  • Assisted participants in identifying and clearly articulating their strengths as well as personal and professional goals

  • Built tools to practice confidently communicating strengths that highlight previous achievements and move participants toward future achievements

  • Understood the power of visualization and infused that into the creation of an intentional vision board for the year ahead

The group had a great time and we loved seeing the unique ways that each person accented their vision board. Thanks to Kao NOW for a great event!