What I'm Reading

What I’m Reading: Blindspot

I had the opportunity to hear Mahzarin Banaji speak last year at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio and it was one of the most eye-opening talks I have heard to date. The concept of unconscious or implicit bias is what Mahzarin and her research partner, Anthony Greenwald, have been researching for decades and they have distilled it into a surprisingly easy-to-consume book.

What I'm Reading: The Confidence Effect

I bought this book because confidence has always been one of the key components to the Gild mission. From day one, we knew we wanted to encourage confidence in women through creativity and community. And now, as we continue to make changes to our business, instilling confidence in women–especially those in the workplace–is always top of mind. It’s something I consistently struggle with, even as I work to help others feel like they can take on the world.