creating solutions for gender inequity

Case Study: UC Emergency Medicine Women's Initiative

We continued our work with the Emergency Medicine Department at the University of Cincinnati with a session for the department’s women’s initiative. Our workshop topic was Developing Solutions for Gender Issues and during the session we worked through the topics that rose to the top for participants in a pre-sessions survey. The topics we covered were on work / life balance or integration, advocating for others, and building confidence.

Case Study: Greater Cincinnati Association of Training and Development

In December we had the opportunity to partner with GCATD for a program titled “No Permission Necessary: Demanding the Respect You Deserve.” In the workshop we blended real experiences heard from past workshop attendees and current data from the Women in the Workplace Report to identify the key issues that women in the workplace are facing. Together with the participants we dug into the root cause of these issues, reflected on our standard responses, and developed solutions. We loved the opportunity to work with a group of women so focused on how to best develop their teams.