women's leadership workshop

Case Study: WE Lead Class 14

In September 2019 we had the honor of facilitating our third Women Excel, or WE Lead. WE Lead is a 10 month executive leadership program for women in the Greater Cincinnati region, presented by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber. Participants in WE Lead are ambitious, high-achieving, passionate, and frankly, really interesting women that we always have a blast working with.

Three Reasons to Get Creative with your Women’s Initiative

At Gild, we are notorious for loving to get our hands dirty with a creative project. Although our business has changed and grown a lot over the past few years, we have always had a mission at the heart of what we do that centers around confidence, creativity, and community. And while our central focus has shifted from craft projects to women’s issues (in the form of workshops, strategy, and training), creativity is still at the heart of what we do. We often get questions about why we are so passionate about the benefits of being creative with your women’s initiative participants, so we thought we’d share a few of those benefits here.