Case Study: Nielsen Diversity Champions Experience the Gender Inequity Simulator

We loved working with the passionate group of diversity and inclusion champions at Nielsen. Participants in this session were leaders of an employee resource group or key D&I function within the organization. It was the perfect group to experience the Gild Collective Gender Inequity Simulator—part of our Changing Bias Behaviors program.

We've compiled feedback from the session and have some exciting findings:

  • Average of 96% of participants felt that objectives were met to a great or very great extent.

  • Benchmarking questions increased by an average of 10%.

  • In open-ended feedback, participants provided great testimonials of their experience, indicating that the simulator was effective in opening their world views to new perspectives, much more so than a “traditional” unconscious bias training.

A few key quotes from participants:

  • While I felt like I was pretty empathetic about these issues going in, as promised, the simulator was a more effective tool than other unconscious bias trainings (or just presentation-based trainings in general). It drove more engagement and reflection but in a fairly fun way that didn't feel too forced. I was interested in the content -- the pairing of concrete statistics and definitions layered in with anecdotes and open-ended discussion made it feel more comprehensive. I feel more in-tune with implicit biases and the common ways they manifest, the common issues they can cause and the common interrupters we can utilize to combat them.

  • I found that I was thinking about bias much differently, largely because the training--and the simulator specifically--forced me to consider experiences that I am not familiar with.

  • I felt empowered to continue the conversations and more aware of the biases that can take place day to day.

If you’re curious about how the Gender Inequity Simulator can enhance your bias training, get in touch!