Press for Progress: Webinar Recap

International Women’s Day is a global day to celebrate the achievements of women and to continue making the call for gender parity. This year, we’ll be celebrating with the 2018 theme: Press for Progress. With the results of the World Economic Forum’s most recent findings in the Gender Gap Report, we can no longer wait for progress to be made around us—each of us must take an active part in driving toward parity in our workplaces, communities, and beyond.

We kicked off International Women’s Day a week early with our #PressforProgress webinar—together, we took a deep dive on the report findings and discussed action items for how each participant can contribute to the press for gender parity in their organization and beyond.

In this webinar we:

  • Understood the current state of the gender gap given findings from the 2017 World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report
  • Identified correlations between worldwide research and more localized gender disparity challenges in the workplace
  • Reviewed solutions to address gender-based issues that drive inequality in the workplace

Want to learn more about International Women's Day? Check out the who, what, why, and where in our International Women's Day blog series.

Ready to Press for Progress in your organization? Gild collective can help to design an impactful strategy for your women's initiative or diversity & inclusion efforts overall!