
The Many Hats We Wear

Working in the field of productivity and organization, I encounter and counsel women every week who are overwhelmed, stretched thin, and desperately seeking the elusive “work-life balance.” In all my conversations with friends, colleagues, mentors and professional women over the past 10 years, I have yet to find anyone who feels they have achieved the perfect balance.

Many women no longer work traditional hours in traditional office settings. Therefore, setting the expectation to fully take off your professional hat at the end of the day, and put on your personal hat, and to spend equal time in both areas, is not realistic. In fact, I no longer talk about work-life balance; instead, I encourage women to seek work-life integration.

Use the First Hour of Your Day to Set the Tone for Success

Successful female business leaders understand how you spend the first hour of your work day can dictate the productivity level for the the rest of the day. Before chaos ensues and your brain is here, there and everywhere in between, use that crucial bucket of time to shift your focus and prepare yourself to crush your to-do list and end your day feeling like the strong woman you are.