gender-based challenges

Stop Resisting: The Importance of Gender Diversity in the Workplace

In the global business ecosystem, gender diversity has been recognized as a critical driver for productivity, innovation, and profitability. Nevertheless, it's also an area that many organizations struggle to fully comprehend and embrace, often meeting the idea with resistance. From defining what gender diversity means in the workplace, understanding the associated economic benefits, to knowing the steps necessary to foster a gender-inclusive culture; we will delve into all these areas. This is your invitation to join us as we unpack the importance of gender diversity in the workplace and explore practical ways of fostering it in your organization.

Case Study: UC Emergency Medicine Women's Initiative

We continued our work with the Emergency Medicine Department at the University of Cincinnati with a session for the department’s women’s initiative. Our workshop topic was Developing Solutions for Gender Issues and during the session we worked through the topics that rose to the top for participants in a pre-sessions survey. The topics we covered were on work / life balance or integration, advocating for others, and building confidence.

How do I handle sensitive topics at work?

One of the things we often hear is that people perceive the women’s initiative to be a place where everyone goes to complain. What we know, is that this is far from true, and that there are impactful, uplifting, and empowering conversations at every gathering of these initiatives, and we can’t allow those perceptions to keep us from addressing the challenges that individuals are facing at work, even the sensitive ones.