championing women

Case Study: UC Emergency Medicine Women's Initiative

We continued our work with the Emergency Medicine Department at the University of Cincinnati with a session for the department’s women’s initiative. Our workshop topic was Developing Solutions for Gender Issues and during the session we worked through the topics that rose to the top for participants in a pre-sessions survey. The topics we covered were on work / life balance or integration, advocating for others, and building confidence.

Case Study: EPIC Toledo Leadership Summit Communicating as Champions for Gender Parity

Rachel traveled to Toledo to give a keynote address focused on Communicating as Champions for Gender Parity. Our session focused on effective communication about gender issues in the workplace and provided attendees with the tools and language needed to have meaningful, professional conversations with their colleagues and to act as allies for gender equity.

Case Study: Women's Energy Network

The Greater Pittsburgh chapter of the Women's Energy Network hosted members for a half day conference as part of their Leadership Series. As a group, we dove into the findings from the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap with the 2018 International Women's Day theme of "Press for Progress" in mind.