work from home

Fostering an Inclusive, Equitable Environment During COVID-19

Managing inclusion efforts, or simply being inclusive in managing your team or engaging with your colleagues, has most likely shifted to the lower end of your consciousness and priority during this season. However, many employees who are working from home for the first time are struggling now more than they ever did in a traditional work environment, and need support more than ever.

Creating a Healthy Balance While Working From Home

Through clever scheduling, a few ground rules and some hard core flexible thinking, I have figured out how to share my workspace with the (not-so)-little ones. When you exclusively work from home, physical boundaries between work and personal life can feel virtually nonexistent. Even the most organized can still find difficulty successfully managing a career and a household in the same space.

The following are a few key strategies I implement throughout the day to be successful, bring my whole self to work, and be present in my life. Over the years these have changed a bit, but the idea of creating a healthy balance for me to feel successful remains the same.